well been reading the science bit - the research from which the beetroot article was about. seems there were only 8 participants and the stats bit was really ropey - and i am not great with stats but it did seem to suggest there was a 16% improvement in oxygen uptake which improved endurance. they drank 500mls per day and the outcome tested after only 6 days and compared against a control group. so i am thinking only 6 days to note improvement means i should start to see improvements in my running by next monday!! so until then i will not look at performance on the garmin!!
Today's intake was the usual glass, nice and chilled, with half and orange squeezed into it - i like orange juice! after downing that i noticed i had a little left over (and since donna was bringing a new batch today) i though i may as well use up the rest and give her her bottle back! lunch was to be pea and ham soup so i just threw the rest into the bowl. hmmm not sure how i felt about it! it had that post vom aftertaste! and even a few carrot chunks -though where they came from i am not sure! ignoring the aftertaste, because it didn't taste too bad -just didn't taste like pea and ham, more like cucumber soup - i downed it hot! 'twas a lovely maroon colour too!

now i am preoccupied as to what to make for tea tonight! pleased with myself that i managed to incorporate 5 veg into last night's dinner, i am now at a loss on what to make tonight. i need a recipe book! yesterday i browsed the local store and was disappointed to only find many weight loss recipe books. i was looking for alkaline or pH balanced diets/ cookbooks/ recipes! so onto amazon for a search revealed so many i couldn't make up my mind about - so i ordered 4! oh and pH test strips - well might as well take experimentation all the way! but that won't help me find a recipe for tonight so will surf net to see what is there that complements what my fridge can provide! will keep you posted! maybe talk to donna later about recipes too!
Welcome to the crazy world of blogging!
Mmm I think I'll cancel my trip to Holland and Barratt :-)
your blog is fab! You have now inspired me, I am embarrassed to admit i have 2 blog spaces. a google one and one on my own website. I will have to ask my webmaster about this.
We must discuss the recipe issue in depth. i have tons of recipes that are not just for weight loss. i like to call them 'intox' rather than 'detox'. Meaning we are taking in a stack of goodies and getting rid of baddies.
will chat soon
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