this is more noticeable on the sunday runs with mo! we started off at a similar level - mo recovering from injury and me from mara. now 6 weeks on mo is leaps ahead of me [and yes she always was way ahead normally] even tho she is doing as little milage as i am.
so i have decided that something has to change!! i will try make a more concerted effort to fit more running in but this is difficult doing 2 jobs and running a family and my mara training was only 4 days a week [even when doing 40 odd miles] so i am not too bothered as long as i try for 4 and maintain 3 as a minimum when time is short but make them a quality run!
the other aim [and probably the most important one] is my diet! it is dreadful! i am ashamed to say how poor it is on fruits and veg! even tho i am happy to say most of the food i eat is organic [don't start me on that soapbox - that's another blog!] this NEEDS to change. to help me in my efforts my best pal donna is going to juice me up! this decision was made after reading the beetroot research in the news all week - after all 16% improvement is not to be sniffed at. it can make a significant difference to any pb and even if it helps me shorten the ever increasing distance between me and mo then it is worth a try!
i also keep getting constant pester emails from a website i subscribed to ages ago and never get round to unsubscribing from. to be honest i think my subconscious likes the wee reminder [or should i say chastising?] to get me to rethink my diet. the site is all about alkalising your body, and at the moment mine is probably so acidic i could probably give the genetically modified ripley a run for her money lol, so i though i'd look at this diet again.
i hate having to think about foods i hate making efforts to buy fruits and vegs then watch them rot in their bowls till i throw them out - yes i need an easier alternative. why can't supermarkets just sell packaged alkaline meals as easily as they sell the packaged junk?
anyway donna to the rescue suggested i try her juices! now remember i don't even like most fruit and veg and when she listed all the horror ingredients i baulked at the idea and wondered what i was getting into! but needs must!
i started yesterday. and maybe it was psychological but who cares cause it is working but after just one glass i felt i was breathing better - that is only way i can explain it! like i felt more oxygenated! i even noticed when i took the dog a walk the 24 stairs i climb at the start of my walk to the path i was hardly breathless! normally i am gasping at top. can this be possible after only one glass [actually a glass and a half]?? and here comes the bigger shock - it was not only palatable - it was actually nice!! - and it contain all the things i said i hated and contrary to what i thought i couldn't identify the taste of any of them in the juice!
so here goes to day 2!! i will take a glass a day and see if this makes an impact on my running. as i log all my times on my garmin it will be great to make comparisons of before juicing and after! watch this space!!
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