weight 47kg bmi 17.3% heart rate 60bpm bp 110/60
hey i know you are saying wow 47kg but it is all round my mutton tops and dimpling up my ass!! i wasn't like that after the mara!!
Well today was the first day i used the garmen to record my run and i think i should have left it at home!! i ran better last week on a harder route! Last week i ran to strathblane and back from milngavie to include the hilly ascent up the khyber! pass and cuilt brae! chappin at the bit behind mo on both ascents we averaged a 9m 15s/mile over the 11 miles. we were both disappointed but it was hot [it seems to always be hot when we run then pisses down when we stop!] and mo had raced the week before and managed a couple of mad club runs too. me - i had no excuse! i had run the day before but i didn't exactly exert myself! anyway this week we decided on another hilly route the bearsden [highland games] 10k with an extra mile thrown in! ok there are 10 hills on this run [we counted] and again the sun came out. but we planned to take it easy. so we were both disappointed when the garmen stated an average of 9m 45s / mile for the 7 miles! in my head the strathblane run was much harder but either we both crawled this week or the run was harder than i imagined. so after 6 days of juicing i have this paltry result!
on the bright side i never felt out of breath and recovered immediately. i even gassed the majority of the run, although that is my normal as anyone that knows me will verify. in fact kas always used to say i made her ears bleed!
so what do i do now? the participants in the beetroot study were tested after 6 days also and showed a 16% improvement. ok i am not doing any proper tests here but i just wanted to see an improvement in my performance. although i can say i felt good the whole run, recovered well and now have a baseline to compare future runs with.
aslo donna said i wasn't drinking enough of the superjuice and i should have been drinking 3 or 4 times the amount - not if i wanted to be able to leave the toilet!! so letting my body gradually adjust to the veggie change i will up the dose by double 500mls [like the amount drank by guys in the study!] and next week mo and i will do the same run and compare the results! mo kindly offered to be the control group/ bod with no super juice! god love her but that is like testing the hare against the snail [me being the snail of course!]. god help me but if she tries the juice i may as well tie a rope round her to keep up! hey isn't that a training method? if not it should be!
not for the weak stomached - do not read on if you do not like talking poop!
i mean it...
now whilst i have informed you i am peeing like a hot spring gusher, the other ain't doing so good! normally a twice a morning person and a number 3 or 4 on the bristol stool chart [i know too much information!! you were warned! i'm sorry but you will get all the sordid details as i can't escape my previous knowledge gained when i was a continence adviser, or incontinent or pish nurse as i was more fondly known!]
don't laugh! this is a credible poop assessment chart!
anyway, i am not performing to my usual pattern! you would think with all the veggie juice i would have the runs but no - the opposite! and one day not at all!!! ok i'm obsessing but i don't feel my normal self if i am not regular! so what has caused this? is the fibre content higher in veggie juice and has that increase soaked up the little daily fluids i ingest with the resulting constipation? after all the juice is really food! and i drink like a camel! my normal fluid intake [excluding juice trial] is: 2 cups of tea [500mls], 2 diluting orange drinks [700mls] so daily intake per non alcohol day is only about 1200mls. sometimes i have 250mls lucozade post run but only if it is really hot or after a ten miler or more! tragic! and at the weekend i drink a bottle of wine - it lasts about 4 days and i now dilute it [i now - sacrilege you scream!] with a third water! this is because i was getting terrible headaches with anything over 9%vol and because i am not the best at hydrating i felt this was the best solution! so yes the wine will add to the dehydration effects too. plus i have added more veg to my meals! so going from 2 veg a meal [and often per day] to five a day will also have an increase to the roughage intake! so yep i need to drink more fluids if i am to get back to regularity "doon there" and double the veggie juice!! just checked [without doing a proper lit review] the juice isn't considered to cause dehydration so it is probable the extra fruit and veg with dinner!
so i have pontificated long enough and it is now time to go drink the drink!! i have tried to put it off today as yesterday i forgot to shake it and had a weird tasting liquorish sort of tasting sweet version. today i noticed there is swirling green swamp stuff lying in what is left!! i am baulking at the thought but it is either that or the beetroot juice i bought as an emergency supply - and since it tastes like...well i can't describe how bad it tastes! let's just say swamp drink is more appealing!! mmmm yummy! ciao for now!!
ps the green stuff was fine! i just added juice from half an orange and kept stirring it with my straw as i drank it! probably all the spinach donna said she'd used. i like spinach! bring it on!
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