i absolutely abhor the idea of becoming vegetarian but i will give in to eating less meat and adding more vegetables to me meals. had been doing well till yesterday and had a poor diet relapse. i started with my usual tea and toast with butter - or rather butter with toast - organic lurpack tho', lunch i missed, for dinner i had a small meaty quiche and supper was cream of tomato soup with roll and more butter! My fluid intake on the other had was better than normal with one glass veggie juice, one glass lemonade and a pint of diluting orange!
on that note today i went healthy food shopping!! Mostly organic fruits and veggies have now been stacked in their categorized shelves in the fridge, with expiry dates duly noted in my notepad from which i can collate daily menus.
So breakfast is always my normal - can't let go of that comfort blanket yet. My stomach churns at the thought of anything cold, juicy or out of the ordinary for my first meal of the day. it will take a bit longer than that to change the habits of a lifetime! one of my pet hates when going on holiday is that no breakfast tastes like my own scottish tea and toast. in france i put up with sweet croissants and minging tea because the bread is too crusty and just doesn't have enough E numbers or preservatives in it to taste like the stuff at home. actually i am not that bad - i converted to soft additive white to wholemeal and occasionally organic wholemeal but i am not keen on the latter. in new york and canada i gave in a had orange juice and pancakes with syrup because nothing came close to the taste of my tea and toast - although i didn't complain as loudly as my waistline at that! in italy, austria, menorca and majorca i made do with the nearest to soft white bread and butter and either tea or orange juice depending on which i found most palatable. so i you think i am changing to healthy fruits, yoghurts, juices and nuts immediately you've got another thought coming!!! i might start taking porridge with yoghurt and maple syrup on run days but that is a few weeks off yet. i did try on sunday after i tried the dog's concoction of such and thought it was quite nice but gave in and had my usual - but the thought was there and that gives me hope...
my lunch i am munching just now is - wait for it, you'll be impressed - three bean salad!!! and the ever faithful veggie juice. hey i am so impressed i wouldn't be upset if i just eat chocolate for dinner! kidding - i don't like more than a taste of chocolate at any given time and most of the time only with wine! and no sis it wasn't three tins of heinz beans either!! three bean and mint salad from tesco! and surprisingly yummy! cannellini, black turtle and soya beans. dog enjoyed the dregs too! oh and the veggie juice! this batch was better than the last one as donna went back to the second recipe she gave me. i think it is the adding of the pineapple that makes it sweeter. anyway feel bagged now so can't really think of dinner at the moment. i'd better go look the list and examine the recipes in my new books and see what appeals. will get back later!!
More beans!
Well i am sure i will have enough wind to fill a hot air balloon tomorrow as i had spicy been burgers for dinner!! Why? Well the problem was that yesterday when i had the notion for a spicy bean burger my other half came home with the quiche because marks' didn't have any! unfortunately the notion never left me and it was the first thing on my mind for dinner. i did have it with coleslaw and tomato sauce [yes my favourite, sis!] so more veg!
The books i had ordered came today, so tomorrow i will plan something from them. i may replace some of the ingredients as i haven't even heard of some never mind be able to buy them. And i will have to start making my own juices now donna has got me started. i have all the raw ingredients - now i just have to dig the juicer out from under all the dog dishes and cat baskets in the garage cupboard and clean it up ready to get juicing!
And maybe tomorrow i'll start looking at running plan! did nothing today although had great intentions, but had too much work to do i gave it a miss. shame because i like running in this drizzly weather. i keep hoping my sore foot will get better but i think i need to look at the possible cause. i suspect my pronation has changed and if so i am not wearing the right shoes anymore. will look at university internet to diagnose the problem and get back to you on that one!
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