Monday, 7 December 2009

seven trees a shining..

'tis funny on my first day of the marcothon i saw my first xmas tree, on the second day i saw my second and today on my seventh i counted seven!! of course i am sure that won't continue on that curve as we get nearer to the 12th day the xmas tree sightings will grow exponentially!

still at it tho! sat did 5.5 with donna and sunday did 10 with Dr mo, jill, maz and cree [maz's dug!]! we did a hilly partial west highland way run from mo's house which also means up uphill back home!! jill and maz split at the 5 mile marks and went out further whilst mo and i headed back - don't want to push it, since weekly milage has almost doubled!! was a great run with the usual hilarity! mo and i averaged 10 min miles which was fine since she had raced day before and i had run all week!

monday andrew and i did our usual 3 with me ahead for a change! andrew [whose milage has tripled by joining the marcothon] was feeling it and had been sniffling and sneezing all day! plus my homemade soup which is mega good for you and taste great gives us terrible gut cramps which slowed andrew down and speeded me up!!

i can't believe that is one week under the belt!! bring it on!!

1 comment:

Marco Consani said...

Well done Anita. When I did it I felt great after the first full week and then even better after the second. Then it just gets easier.

Great to hear that you are getting out and enjoying it.

Forest :-)