4 new nails
3 day top
2 heavy legs
and a garmin ready to go!
Yes at last i have new nails on the toes that lost them after the mara in may! they've taken all this time to grow back but how long will they last is the real question???
As for the 3 day top - I really meant my gillet! i do have enough tops to change every day but my gillet i usually wash once a week [considering I only ran 2 or 3 times a week and most of the time lately that was only sat and sun!] so running every day means i have to wash it more often but make sure it is ready for the next day!! so i ordered a new one! A new jacket actually!!
I had always liked Donna's Cannondale Morphis shell! Its many zipped pockets and the magnetic sleeves that you can rip off faster than the chippendales troosers excited me like child at Christmas - I had to have one!! So today I bought it!! After all it was now an essential need rather than a luxury!!

As for the legs, yes they were tired today! Fifth day in a row running is a bit of a novelty for me at the best of times so only to be expected after having been a lazy b lately!! So clocked 5 and a half today since my Garmen is now working again having been connected to computer, all data downloaded and cleared and all software updated! Hate running without it!
So last week Monday to Sunday I ran 3 times and only clocked up 19 miles and that was a good week. This week however now having started the marcothon [see marco's and debbie's blogs for details] it should culminate in 29 miles providing I do 10 with Dr Mo [my sunday running pal] tomorrow!!
Oh and almost forgot- Andrew has joined me on the marcothon too!! This is great cause it will get my midweek speed up running together! Only prob is he started a day late, so guess who'll be running on the 1st of January - not me!!
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