Thursday, 31 December 2009
all done!!
i will not miss the frizzy hair - i just couldn't keep it straight. It was only straight 4 times in december including today!! i will not miss the extra washings of all the running gear - especially in winter! it taught me discipline, belief in my own stamina, time management and knowing i can do what i put my mind to if there is a challenge there!!
next year, on sunday, i will start running to a half mara plan! then if all goes well shift onto mara plan in march and sign up for edinburgh again!!!
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
merry xmas!
xmas day
and andrew and i hit the streets! i wore the santa hat but on retrospect i wish we'd both put on full santa gear! i mean when else do you get the chance to enjoy that? i got lots of looks from kids so if i made someone laugh i am happy!! and all that snow!! I think it was so cold the camera on my phone went wonky!!
boxing day
after eating ourselves silly and having waaaaaaaay too much of my own home made heavenly tiramisu [vulgar quantities!] i felt tired and sluggish today [no booze mind you!]. i went to be at 12mn and was up at half nine - this is a rare occurrence! i never usually get longer than 8 am for a lie in! so i just never got out of tired mode. i really had to use the guilt thing to stimulate me into getting out there. and was still too full to take anything other than a light breakfast i ran on empty at 3pm. the route i took was badly chopped up and struggled to keep from twisting my ankle a couple of times. eventually i manage 2.5 miles in 30 mins!!! better than nothing! at least i did it. the alternative was the treadmill and i just couldn't face that! at least out and about the scenery was lovely and i passed a spot where there were more adults sledging than kids! hoping the tired legs will work wonders when the snow clears as it is tough running on this terrain but it is different and gives me a warm fuzzy feeling and a sense of achievement that only "real" or is that "insane"? runners will actually get out there and tackle it! andrew and i haven't bumped into anyone else running in this up our way but i passed another brave soul today! So here's to all you strong folk brave enough to put the trainers on and tread the white stuff, i salute you!
marcothon logue 27 12 09
did the basic 3! wanted to do more but left it till late in day and was too hungry! forgot to charge phone so missed opportunity t run with dr mo in am or yvonne [clydesdale harrier/ neighbour/ fellow dog walker/ mate] in pm. so went out on own at dusk! was crunchy underfoot but not as hard and slippy as yesterday. just kept smiling at the thought of 4 days to go and hoping raspy throat won't amount to much!!
28th dec
ran with andrew! throat still raspy but not worse so out to run! roads much much worse! solid ice in most places. andrew ran way ahead most of run and i skitted about behind!
29th dec
andrew's throat now raspy too so he took the luxury and didn't run! happily yvonne was happy to go a run so we braved it off road mostly for an hour! most i have done on this ice! right ankle sore but managed fine considering conditions! 2 days to go!! i can't believe i have run for 29 consecutive days!!!! looking forward to rest day!!!!!
Thursday, 24 December 2009
ONE week to go!!
Monday, 21 December 2009
santa's grotto
today i stayed local and went into the nooks and crannies of the estates near me and it was like entering santa's grotto! each house competing with the next for bigger and better lights and decor. you can hear the buzz of electricity as you enter the street! i swear you can see the sky glow orange over that neck of the woods.
i am happy to say the legs have now reached the point where i can get out of bed in the morning without feeling they have been run over by a tractor as i slept. but it did take till day 20 to reach this point. and still good today which i wasn't expecting as my garscube buddy and i dressed up as a giant cracker for the santa race. hunched over inside we ran back and forth for 40 mins!!! expected to ache all over today but luckily was fine.
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
how do they do it?
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
spoke too soon...

Well I woke on Tuesday am at 5!! Had had cramps in stomach Monday eve which didn't abate during the run and got worse as the night went on. Felt a wee bitty nauseous too but a wee half glass of rose and one quality street helped me forget that! After tossing and turning for a couple of hours I fell back asleep and woke at 8.30 looking like a Beetlejuice in negative! My hair [suffering 'cause I keep going to bed before it dries properly] was more fitting for the 80s and I had eye bags like Eastender's Dot! Exhausted I dragged my sorry ass out of bed and worked from home [didn't want to stray too far from the porcelain just in case!] not looking forward to running but dammit I was going to get out there!!
Monday, 7 December 2009
seven trees a shining..
Saturday, 5 December 2009
5 days in....
As for the legs, yes they were tired today! Fifth day in a row running is a bit of a novelty for me at the best of times so only to be expected after having been a lazy b lately!! So clocked 5 and a half today since my Garmen is now working again having been connected to computer, all data downloaded and cleared and all software updated! Hate running without it!
So last week Monday to Sunday I ran 3 times and only clocked up 19 miles and that was a good week. This week however now having started the marcothon [see marco's and debbie's blogs for details] it should culminate in 29 miles providing I do 10 with Dr Mo [my sunday running pal] tomorrow!!
Oh and almost forgot- Andrew has joined me on the marcothon too!! This is great cause it will get my midweek speed up running together! Only prob is he started a day late, so guess who'll be running on the 1st of January - not me!!