In February we got Kira, a five-ish year old collie cross. I was so looking forward to running with her but was disappointed to find we had a battle ahead!! After getting over kennel cough [which we got her with] and losing 6 kilos to get her back to normal weight, we discovered once she got her voice back she had dog to dog aggression and taking her on runs off lead [and even on] was more of a problem than it was worth! So in desperation we got out a Dog Whisperer to visit. And after a few weeks we had her joining us on runs. I could not have done this alone so I thoroughly recommend Ewan for anyone with a dog behavioural problem.
Dog Whisperer - Scotland
Anyway I digress. Just giving my excuses for why I didn't blog for such a while. Other reason was I had no focus for running so I wasn't training properly; just going out when I felt like it and just for pleasure. But knowing me I needed a focus so I entered the Edinburgh marathon for 2011 so I would have something to concentrate on. And glad I did. My 2 running buddies Donna and Joanne also decided to run it too so we could all train together! In fact more so I could coach them too! Might as well put that coaching qualification to some good use!
So to date this year has been about regular runs with some speed sessions but mainly long runs Saturdays and Sundays. We are now up to 16 miles for our longest run and 11 on the other day. With a couple of short ones during week. Till today!! Today it all changes as the Marcothon begins. This year there are a couple of hundred runners on the challenge! What have you Consanis started?? Check it out on Facebook. JOIN!
Marcothon on Facebook
Last year, I wasn't very brave as I did 3 miles most days. I think I did a couple of longer runs at weekends but near the end of the challenge I was getting lazy and was happy I was going out every day. And wasn't running much before the challenge. This year I intend to keep up the long weekend runs and feeling stronger because of the previous months. Only ran 114 miles in November!
Strathblane 131110 Donna and I running DOWN Cuilt Brae!
And like last December, not only will the challenge be to run every day, we also have adverse weather conditions again!! And while I can resort to the treadmill, I do not enjoy it! I'd much prefer being outside in the cool air! Having successfully run 16 miles on Sunday in 6 inches of snow, I was happy to get back out there remembering from last year what it feels like underfoot. So here is my report for the first day!
Marcothon - Day one: Snow laden Bearsden - only 2.9 miles - 25mins. i had to run a contorted route [to get the distance] to get car parked at station so i could go to a meeting at work in pm only to get back to find out it has been cancelled! on the bright side i can work at home for rest of day and i have completed day 1!! wooohooo!
and yes comments i got ranged from brave to idiot!! A bit of both I suppose!!
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