Friday, 3 December 2010

Early days....

Yes it is only day3 of the Marcothon, but the last 2 days have been a bigger challenge than they needed to be when I woke on Thursday as if I'd been swallowing broken glass! Very disappointing to say the least since I was looking forward to a karaoke work do that evening and was told I had to get up there to get the party started. A total exhibitionist at heart I was in fear that my tonsillitis would turn into laryngitis and my attempt at pink would sound more like pinky and perky! And I was feeling anything but perky! A paracetamol and brufen later the pain was dulled enough to consider a lunchtime run. And still go to the karaoke if i managed the run!

We were also a foot deep in snow now on top of icy base so even more of a mad challenge. Still love my volmero trainers even in these sloppy conditions I feel I get good grip.

So off I set for 3 miles looping local hilly circuit. Not sure about which suited me best but comments from other walking pedestrians ranged from idiot to brave girl and a couple of colourful ones in between! Needless to say I never saw another runner en route nor any local marcothonian!

So 30m34s later I managed 3 slow miles but glad I hadn't wimped out of the Marcothon! And after face booking my achievements there was no way I could stay home that night! Needless to say I sang my heart out stone cold sober (was driving) as no one would get up so managed to creek out 3 songs before someone else was drunk, I mean brave enough to have a go! and then sang all the way home in the car too. Who cares if I don't have a voice tomorrow!

Day 3 was happy to find that my sore throat was not as sore as day before and had actually moved further down my oesophagus! Unbelievably I have never run through a cold before ( though I did run through chemotherapy so a cold should be nothing!) so not being any worse for wares after yesterday's capers I had no doubt I'd being doing my 3 miles. Andrew didn't get home till 4 and I finished my work just in time to join him. He's been working out at the gym lately and running everyday too (tho I don't think he has added his name to the marathon list yet) so he is now so much faster than me that he pulled away during out first circuit of three. Of course it didn't help that the dog stopped for a wee which means I had to jog on the spot while I watched andrew get further away till she finished! So glad I didn't take the watch as I didn't want to know how slow I was tonight! All I know was it was 3 miles exactly! And that'll do for me! Hopefully a wee half glass of Rose tonight will sooth the throat in time for my long weekend runs with my mara girls!

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