Marcothon Summary Highlights
The first day was planned to be a parkrun but because [true to normal marcothon tradition] the weather was so bad with ice and snow Pollok park run was cancelled. Andrew and I were driving there when we got the news so we turned back and headed up to Mugdock with yaktrax, the dogs and Donna for day 1.

Day 2 Wobbly Williams Half Marathon. Ran out of energy mile 9 as I didn't carboload the night before as I usually do for long runs and dragged myself last few miles! Yaktrax most certainly needed, the whole route was covered in solid ice! www.wobblywilliams.com
Day 8 Maragirls run - Helen and I doing the Marcothon! Helen and I stuck to the road as Helen didn't have her yaktrax yet. Personally I was grateful as my tired legs were feeling it now. I always feel the first ten days get consistently harder then start to get used to it after that and settle into it.

Day 12 - someone mentioned a 12 mile challenge for this day but i felt 12k would be plenty so i planned my run to finish at my workplace at 12.12 and jogged to a parking metre to record the time. so 12km finishing at 12.12. on 12.12.12! Not that I am obsessive or anything... I did continue on into town after that and then got train home so totalled 10 miles that day and felt ok at the end so maybe i could have doen the 12 miles but best not to push it so early!

Day 19 - I lost my running buddy hubby andrew to injury! Having done some mega 21m 24s at the parkrun he got a tear in calf muscle so that was him out the game!! Since he hadn't raced for 7 years and had only jogged along with me in the passed few years he kinda shocked himself and me that he had it in him for such speed without any speed training! He'll be back out when better trying to beat that time!
Day 24 - Maragirl run Xmas eve Helen Aoife and I still IN the Marcothon! Awee marcothon 25minute minimum then back to Julie's for surprise birthday cake for Donna and Aoife! All the Maragirls on the cake and a wee poem to go with it!

[the wee Maragirl models I made from Sculpey clay so we all had keepsakes]
It was a snowy xmas eve and perfect for a social run
When the maragirls got together for an early morning run
A jaunt along the Clyde was planned just 5 miles or so to chat
Then back for laughs and sweets at maragirl Julie’s flat
They weren’t prepared for an adventure but that’s surely what they got
As they spotted a gingerbread man running, while out on their social trot
Athletic Aoife said “I’m hungry anyone else fancy a bite of that wee man?”
And Hurricane Helen agreed, so after that biscuit -the chase then began!
Boy that gingerbread man was fast and feart and took off like a whippet
But the maragirls were hungry and picked up the pace chasing that tasty biscuit
Vasquez and sidekick Den got really near, one on either side, so they upped their game to overtake
Realizing their tactics the gingerbread man swore!
And shocked the lovers to a standstill with such profanity from a spicy bake!
Off along the path and under the bridges he ran, for a biscuit, with such grace
so the Edinburger Marathon entrants put their training to test and picked up the pace
FiFi Fixit was next to fall, under bandages and strapping as they came undone
Do-little tried a 6 min mile but stopped when she realised her garmin was on upside down
Expedition Donna tore ahead to try to get him, but collapsed in a heap when her camelback dried up
Clairabella kept going and nearly caught him, till she was overcome with nausea at the sight of a discarded box from pizza hut
Coach Neet still ran holding her lopsided tits, come on girls she shouted let’s do some neetshits
but after the reps she came to an abrupt puffing halt as soon as her workout on her garmin had stopped
But this tasty confectionary was now in trouble cause yoga Noodle was on her roller skates
But ginger bread man threw off his jelly buttons and down noodle went, her sticky wheels met their fates!
outside fitness fanatics took over and GI Jules and Marathon Ali did some leaps
but gingerbread man threw back some icing and the pair landed in sticky heaps
goldirocks was in the winning now with a gingerbread man to catch
but she came to a traumatic halt when she noticed her shoes didn’t match!
Rocky Leane kept on the chase, dreaming of using his crumbs as a base
He saw food in her eyes and totally freaked and over the squinty bridge he leaped
But Ali-mara wasn’t a runner, and on skype to Dr Distance down under
They concocted a crafty plan to capture the giant gingerbread man
Dr Distance surmised he needed sedated and advised alimara to hire a boat
In the boat was a tub filled with mulled wine and on the clyde she did float
And as the gingerbread man leaped off the bridge with precise timing he dropped
Into the mulled wine on the boat, with a giant splash he plopped!
The maragirls shouted out in glee, a team maragirl effort that was truly
As they all headed back in the boat with a drunken biscuit en route to julie’s
At last they sat down to celebrate the birthdays of Athletic Aoife and Expedition Donna
With birthday cake, mulled wine and hungry maragirls -That giant gingerbread man was now a total gonner!
— When the maragirls got together for an early morning run
A jaunt along the Clyde was planned just 5 miles or so to chat
Then back for laughs and sweets at maragirl Julie’s flat
They weren’t prepared for an adventure but that’s surely what they got
As they spotted a gingerbread man running, while out on their social trot
Athletic Aoife said “I’m hungry anyone else fancy a bite of that wee man?”
And Hurricane Helen agreed, so after that biscuit -the chase then began!
Boy that gingerbread man was fast and feart and took off like a whippet
But the maragirls were hungry and picked up the pace chasing that tasty biscuit
Vasquez and sidekick Den got really near, one on either side, so they upped their game to overtake
Realizing their tactics the gingerbread man swore!
And shocked the lovers to a standstill with such profanity from a spicy bake!
Off along the path and under the bridges he ran, for a biscuit, with such grace
so the Edinburger Marathon entrants put their training to test and picked up the pace
FiFi Fixit was next to fall, under bandages and strapping as they came undone
Do-little tried a 6 min mile but stopped when she realised her garmin was on upside down
Expedition Donna tore ahead to try to get him, but collapsed in a heap when her camelback dried up
Clairabella kept going and nearly caught him, till she was overcome with nausea at the sight of a discarded box from pizza hut
Coach Neet still ran holding her lopsided tits, come on girls she shouted let’s do some neetshits
but after the reps she came to an abrupt puffing halt as soon as her workout on her garmin had stopped
But this tasty confectionary was now in trouble cause yoga Noodle was on her roller skates
But ginger bread man threw off his jelly buttons and down noodle went, her sticky wheels met their fates!
outside fitness fanatics took over and GI Jules and Marathon Ali did some leaps
but gingerbread man threw back some icing and the pair landed in sticky heaps
goldirocks was in the winning now with a gingerbread man to catch
but she came to a traumatic halt when she noticed her shoes didn’t match!
Rocky Leane kept on the chase, dreaming of using his crumbs as a base
He saw food in her eyes and totally freaked and over the squinty bridge he leaped
But Ali-mara wasn’t a runner, and on skype to Dr Distance down under
They concocted a crafty plan to capture the giant gingerbread man
Dr Distance surmised he needed sedated and advised alimara to hire a boat
In the boat was a tub filled with mulled wine and on the clyde she did float
And as the gingerbread man leaped off the bridge with precise timing he dropped
Into the mulled wine on the boat, with a giant splash he plopped!
The maragirls shouted out in glee, a team maragirl effort that was truly
As they all headed back in the boat with a drunken biscuit en route to julie’s
At last they sat down to celebrate the birthdays of Athletic Aoife and Expedition Donna
With birthday cake, mulled wine and hungry maragirls -That giant gingerbread man was now a total gonner!
Day 25 - xmas dress up fun - prompted lots of toots and cheers from drivers and pedestrians alike! Would love to dress up every day!!

Day 27 new friends Karen and Alan and furry friends [photo karen connal]. Met Alan and Karen at Mugdock for a wee run with their dogs. Maya my pup wouldn't let my Kira out the door to come with me today!

Day 30 mugdock with kira and ala, karen and furry friends [photo alan lindsay]. Today Kira came too and she absolutely loved it!

Day 31 Lock 27 [photos fraser connal]. The get together for final run with the local [and not so local] marcothoners. I had the pleasure of running with Jura, one of Karen's 3 dogs. Karen had Tiree and her son Scott had Finn. Her other son Fraser took excellent photos of the whole event!

Facebook commentary became addictive almost immediately waiting to see the daily pictures, poems, and experiences folk were posting. I used to read google news in the morning with breakfast but this was now replaced with the Marcothon facebook page. I found I was checking it every time I saw a posting while working at the computer or on my phone if out! It was unputdownable! New virtual friends were made, some of which became flesh for social runs - Alan and Karen and their wonderful respective furry friends.
I won't bore you with my daily experiences but in summary the weather did get unusually milder for december and while we rejoiced at being able to put away the kahtoolas and yaktrax it did rain miserably just about every day that we were soon wishing it would snow again!! My foot hurt on and off but eventually I could run without strapping and brufen and ignore the niggles completely. Then about a week into it I got [i think] a mild dose of noro. Nausea all the time for days, then a borderline fever and splitting headache then the runs! I ran through it! It helped take my mind off it. After a day or 2 of the runs it cleared up. It was interesting reading about everyone else's bouts of it too and how bad it was to either take them out the game or watch them run through it. Some were so bad they'd puke, get out bed and run then go back to bed! That's commitment for you! I don't think mine was that bad as I only felt nauseous but never puked. Though the skidding day the run had to be between runs so I ran 1 mile loops near my house - just in case!!
Then on day 19 Andrew, who was doing the Marcothon too, did the parkrun and tore something doing a silly 21min 24sec run with no speed training! So that was him out of it. I was on my own now. I ran with Kira on and off although Maya hated being left to go for walks on her own with Andrew. She'll enjoy it next year!

New friends made were Karen and Alan and their doggies. We met up a couple of times at Mugdock for runs. I took Kira one of the days and she loved it! Though it took us both a long warm shower to thaw after it! Karen does cairncross and gave me loads of advice on harnesses and I will be investing in the right gear. So before I knew it the end was here. The last day was a run with fellow Marcothoners at Lock 27. Karen's son Scott ran with one of Karen's dogs, Karen had one and I had one! Fraser [Karen's son] took excellent photos of the event. Alan ran with his dog Islay and ended up doing 8 miles! Alan would post hilarious daily photos of Islay and the number of the day - the last photo of Islay she was sleeping soundly in her basket!
John Munro wrote words to go with the Do run run song [original by the Ronettes] which became the Marcothon anthem Do run run Da Marcothon. And Alan kept reposting this part all over facebook. Hilarious! Noanie [Sam] added a final verse to it too! I did hope we would all sing a rendition on the last day but it was pissing down and i don't think anyone wanted to stand around singing in the pissing rain!
John Munro 28 December
[with sincere apologies to the Ronettes and to anyone else who ends up with this tune in their head for the rest of the day..... ]
It started on the first and my legs were fresh
Da do run-run-run, da Marcothon
Somebody told me that it was only 3 miles
Da do run-run-run, da Marcothon
Yeah, my legs are strong
Yes, my clothes they pong
And when I run I moan
Da do run-run-run, da Marcothon
I'm out the door at seven and I look so fine
Da do run-run-run, da Marcothon
Kitted out in hi-viz my clothes do shine
Da do run-run-run, da Marcothon
Yeah, she caught my eye
Debs, oh my, oh my
And when I shuffle round
Da do run-run-run, da Marcothon
I'm running in the wind and the rain and snow
Da do run-run-run, da Marcothon
Legs like lead but out I go
Da do run-run-run, da Marcothon
Yeah, my legs are strong
Yes, my clothes they pong
And when I run I moan
Da do run-run-run, da Marcothon
I spend all day on facebook with my Marco friends
Da do run-run-run, da Marcothon
cheering and cajoling till the runs are done
Da do run-run-run, da Marcothon
Yeah, my legs are strong
Yes, my clothes they pong
And when I run I moan
Da do run-run-run, da Marcothon
Added verse Sam Heffron Day 30:
Yeah, I just can't be arsed
Yeah, I'd like to give tonight a pass
Canny cause I know you lot would kick my ass
Da do run-run-run, da Marcothon
I made a Marcothon version of the olympic torch to ceremonially open the last run. I left space at the top for a headtorch as I thought that would make an appropriate "torch" but I couldn't find mine to place it into it! Alan had it at Morrison's after the run and someone asked if they could buy it off him!

In all it was the best year yet! More participants than ever. Folk from around the world. People running through illness, injury, and family commitments and constraints to get their run done. Folk doing the minimum to mega miles! Seriously respect to Robert Soutar doing 26 miles a day instead of 26 mins as I was doing most days! Folk running up and down hotel corridors or round their garage or in front of their house - commitment was strong this Marcothon.
I will so miss my fellow marcothoners although I am now delighted to have a few new friends from it. And I will look forward to the next Marcothon as usual!

[photo fraser connal]
And now it is over I am looking forward to a wee rest. I know tomorrow I will think hey I fancy a run, and feel like something is missing if I don't but then it is a busy day so it is unlikely that feeling will last very long! And then the marathon training begins! So it is back to Garscube Harriers next week! Edinburgh marathon 2013 here I come! Along with maragirls vasquez, donna, do-little, fifi fixit and clairabella! And our maragirl support team! Now that should be fun! 2013 will be a fun year!
Added verse Sam Heffron Day 30:
Yeah, I just can't be arsed
Yeah, I'd like to give tonight a pass
Canny cause I know you lot would kick my ass
Da do run-run-run, da Marcothon
I made a Marcothon version of the olympic torch to ceremonially open the last run. I left space at the top for a headtorch as I thought that would make an appropriate "torch" but I couldn't find mine to place it into it! Alan had it at Morrison's after the run and someone asked if they could buy it off him!

In all it was the best year yet! More participants than ever. Folk from around the world. People running through illness, injury, and family commitments and constraints to get their run done. Folk doing the minimum to mega miles! Seriously respect to Robert Soutar doing 26 miles a day instead of 26 mins as I was doing most days! Folk running up and down hotel corridors or round their garage or in front of their house - commitment was strong this Marcothon.
I will so miss my fellow marcothoners although I am now delighted to have a few new friends from it. And I will look forward to the next Marcothon as usual!

[photo fraser connal]
And now it is over I am looking forward to a wee rest. I know tomorrow I will think hey I fancy a run, and feel like something is missing if I don't but then it is a busy day so it is unlikely that feeling will last very long! And then the marathon training begins! So it is back to Garscube Harriers next week! Edinburgh marathon 2013 here I come! Along with maragirls vasquez, donna, do-little, fifi fixit and clairabella! And our maragirl support team! Now that should be fun! 2013 will be a fun year!
Happy New Year!